M. Cotrufo, C.E.A. Cordaro, A. Polman and A. Alù: Nonlinearity-Induced Nonreciprocity in Passive Silicon Gratings Supporting Quasi-Bound States in the ContinuumIn: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper FF4N.6, OPG, 2022.
T. Veeken, B. Daiber, H. Agrawal, M. Aarts, E. Alarcón-Lladó, E.C. Garnett, B. Ehrler, J. van de Groep and A. Polman, Directional quantum dot emission by soft-stamping on silicon Mie resonators, Nanoscale Adv. 4, (4), 1088-1097 (2022)
V. Neder, S.W. Tabernig and A. Polman, Detailed-balance efficiency limits of two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with planar and Lambertian spectral splitters, J. Photon. Energy 12, (1), 015502: 1-12 (2022)
N. Tavakoli, Solar Canvas: Nanoscale light management for ultra-thin, semi-transparent, and colourful solar cells, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2021-10-14
J.S. van der Burgt, D.R. Needell, T. Veeken, A. Polman, E.C. Garnett and H.A. Atwater, Unlocking Higher Power Efficiencies in Luminescent Solar Concentrators through Anisotropic Luminophore Emission, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, (34), 40742-40753 (2021)
K.W. Mauser, M. Solà-Garcia, M. Liebtrau, B. Damilano, P.-M. Coulon, S. Vézian, P.A. Shields, S. Meuret and A. Polman, Employing Cathodoluminescence for Nanothermometry and Thermal Transport Measurements in Semiconductor Nanowires, ACS Nano 15, (7), 11385-11395 (2021)