Publications - Photonic Materials

  • E. Verhagen, L.K. Kuipers and A. Polman, Plasmonic nanofocusing in a dielectric wedge, Nano Lett. 10, (9), 3665-3669 (2010)

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  • V.E. Ferry, M.A. Verschuuren, H.B.T. Li, R.J. Walters, R.E.I. Schropp, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman: Light trapping in thin film plasmonic solar cells In: 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition / 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain, WIP KG, 2010. - pp. 10-14

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  • V.E. Ferry, M.A. Verschuuren, H.B.T. Li, E. Verhagen, R.J. Walters, R.E.I. Schropp, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Light trapping in ultrathin plasmonic solar cells, Opt. Express 18, (S2), 237-245 (2010)

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  • R. de Waele, S.P. Burgos, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Negative refractive index in coaxial plasmon waveguides, Opt. Express 18, (12), 12770-12778 (2010)

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  • S.P. Burgos, R. de Waele, A. Polman and H.A. Atwater, A single-layer wide-angle negative-index metamaterial at visible frequencies, Nature Mater. 9, (5), 407-412 (2010)

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  • Martin Kuttge, F.J. García de Abajo and A. Polman, Ultrasmall mode volume plasmonic nanodisk resonators, Nano Lett. 10, (5), 1537-1541 (2010)

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  • M.A. Verschuuren, Substrate conformal imprint lithography for nanophotonics, Utrecht University, 2010-03-24

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  • H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Plasmonics for improved photovoltaic devices, Nature Mater. 9, (3), 205-213 (2010)

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  • F.J. Beck, S. Mokkapati, A. Polman and K.R. Catchpole, Asymmetry in photocurrent enhancement by plasmonic nanoparticle arrays located on the front or on the rear of solar cells, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, (Article number: 33113), 1-3 (2010)

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  • U. Ebert, J.W.M. Frenken, H. van der Graaf, N. Hermosa, S. Hofmann, G. Kroesen, C. Li, D. Makogon, M. Ranjan, P. Steeneken, M. Trouwborst, Ernst Jan R. Vesseur and Olaf Wunnicke: Protecting high frequency IC's from electrostatic discharge In: Proceedings physics with industry : first workshop Lorentz Center Leiden, the Netherlands, 11-15 October 2010, FOM, 2010. - pp. 15-30

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