Negative refractive index in coaxial plasmon waveguides

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Reference R. de Waele, S.P. Burgos, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Negative refractive index in coaxial plasmon waveguides, Opt. Express 18, (12), 12770-12778 (2010)
Group Photonic Materials

We theoretically show that coaxial waveguides composed of a metallic core, surrounded by a dielectric cylinder and clad by a metal outer layer exhibit negative refractive index modes over a broad spectral range in the visible. For narrow dielectric gaps (10 nm GaP embedded in Ag) a figure-of-merit of 18 can be achieved at λ0 = 460 nm. For larger dielectric gaps the negative index spectral range extends well below the surface plasmon resonance frequency. By fine-tuning the coaxial geometry the special case of n = −1 at a figure-of-merit of 5, or n = 0 for a decay length of 500 nm can be achieved.