Three-dimensional negative index of refraction at optical frequencies by coupling plasmonic waveguides

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Reference E. Verhagen, R. de Waele, L.K. Kuipers and A. Polman, Three-dimensional negative index of refraction at optical frequencies by coupling plasmonic waveguides, Phys.Rev.Lett. 105, (Article number: 223901), 1-4 (2010)
Group Photonic Materials

We identify a route towards achieving a negative index of refraction at optical frequencies based on coupling between plasmonic waveguides that support backwards waves. We show how modal symmetry can be exploited in metal-dielectric waveguide pairs to achieve negative refraction of both phase and
energy. Control of waveguide coupling yields a metamaterial consisting of a one-dimensional multilayer stack that exhibits an isotropic index of – 1 at a free-space wavelength of 400 nm. The concepts developed here may inspire new low-loss metamaterial designs operating close to the metal plasma frequency.