Publications - Photonic Materials

  • Z. Fang, Y.-R. Zhen, O. Neumann, A. Polman and F.J. García de Abajo, Evolution of light-induced vapor generation at a liquid-immersed metallic nanoparticle, Nano Lett. 13, (4), 1736-1742 (2013)

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  • T. Coenen, J. van de Groep and A. Polman, Resonant modes of single silicon nanocavities excited by electron irradiation, ACS Nano 7, (2), 1689-1698 (2013)

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  • A. Polman, Solar steam nanobubbles, ACS Nano 7, (1), 15-18 (2013)

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  • D.T. Schoen, T. Coenen, F.J. García de Abajo, M.L. Brongersma and A. Polman, The planar parabolic optical antenna, Nano Lett. 13, (1), 188-193 (2013)

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  • E.D. Kosten, J.H. Atwater, J. Parsons, A. Polman and H.A. Atwater, Highly efficient GaAs solar cells by limiting light emission angle, Light : Sci. Appl. 2, (Article number: 45), 1-6 (2013)

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  • Ernst Jan R. Vesseur, T. Coenen, H. Caglayan, N. Engheta and A. Polman, Experimental verification of n=0 structures for visible light, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110, (01, Article number: 13902), 1-5 (2013)

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  • M.C. van Lare, F.O. Lenzmann, M.A. Verschuuren and A. Polman, Mode coupling by plasmonic surface scatterers in thin-film silicon solar cells, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, (22, Article number: 221110), 1-4 (2012)

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  • P. Spinelli and A. Polman, Prospects of near-field plasmonic absorption enhancement in semiconductor materials using embedded Ag nanoparticles, Opt. Express 20, (S5 Energy Express), 641-654 (2012)

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  • H. Acar, T. Coenen, A. Polman and L.K. Kuipers, Dispersive ground plane core shell type optical monopole antennas fabricated with electron beam induced deposition, ACS Nano 6, (9), 8226-8232 (2012)

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  • Ernst Jan R. Vesseur, J. Aizpurua, T. Coenen, A. Reyes-Coronado, P.E. Batson and A. Polman: Plasmonic excitation and manipulation with an electron beam In: MRS Bull., , 2012. - pp. 752-760

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