Ernst Jan R. Vesseur, T. Coenen, H. Caglayan, N. Engheta and A. Polman, Experimental verification of n=0 structures for visible light, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (01, Article number: 13902), 1-5 (2013)
M.C. van Lare, F.O. Lenzmann, M.A. Verschuuren and A. Polman, Mode coupling by plasmonic surface scatterers in thin-film silicon solar cells, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, (22, Article number: 221110), 1-4 (2012)
P. Spinelli and A. Polman, Prospects of near-field plasmonic absorption enhancement in semiconductor materials using embedded Ag nanoparticles, Opt. Express 20, (S5 Energy Express), 641-654 (2012)
H. Acar, T. Coenen, A. Polman and L.K. Kuipers, Dispersive ground plane core shell type optical monopole antennas fabricated with electron beam induced deposition, ACS Nano 6, (9), 8226-8232 (2012)
Ernst Jan R. Vesseur, J. Aizpurua, T. Coenen, A. Reyes-Coronado, P.E. Batson and A. Polman: Plasmonic excitation and manipulation with an electron beamIn: MRS Bull., , 2012. - pp. 752-760
R. Sapienza, T. Coenen, J. Renger, Martin Kuttge, N.F. van Hulst and A. Polman, Deep-subwavelength imaging of the modal dispersion of light, Nature Mater. 11, 781-787 (2012)