Publications - Biophysics

  • A.B. Seinen and A.J.M. Driessen, Single-Molecule Studies on the Protein Translocon, Annu. Rev. Biophys. 48, (1), 185-207 (2019)

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  • M. Wehrens, Dynamical regulation in single cells, Delft University of Technology, 2019-03-04

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  • N. Sachs, A. Papaspyropoulos, D.D. Zomer‐van Ommen, I. Heo, L. Böttinger, D. Klay, F. Weeber, G. Huelsz-Prince, N. Iakobachvili, G.D. Amatngalim, J. de Ligt, A. van Hoeck, N. Proost, M.C. Viveen, A. Lyubimova, L. Teeven, S. Derakhshan, J. Korving, H. Begthel, J.F. Dekkers, K. Kumawat, E. Ramos, M.F.M. van Oosterhout, G.J. Offerhaus, D.J. Wiener, E.P. Olimpio, K.K. Dijkstra, E.F. Smit, M. van der Linden, S. Jaksani, M. van de Ven, J. Jonkers, A.C. Rios, E.E. Voest, C.H.M. van Moorsel, C.K. van der Ent, E. Cuppen, A. van Oudenaarden, F.E. Coenjaerts, L. Meyaard, L.J. Bont, P.J. Peters, S.J. Tans, J.S. van Zon, S.F. Boj, R.G. Vries, J.M. Beekman and H. Clevers, Long‐term expanding human airway organoids for disease modeling, EMBO J. 38, (4), e100300:1-20 (2019)

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  • P. Nghe, B.M. Mulder and S.J. Tans, A graph-based algorithm for the multi-objective optimization of gene regulatory networks, EJOR 270, (2), 784-793 (2018)

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  • P. Nghe, M. Kogenaru and S.J. Tans, Sign epistasis caused by hierarchy within signalling cascades, Nature Commun. 9, (1, Article number: 1451), 1-9 (2018)

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  • M. Wehrens, D. Ershov, R. Rozendaal, N. Walker, D. Schultz, R. Kishony, P.A. Levin and S.J. Tans, Size Laws and Division Ring Dynamics in Filamentous Escherichia coli cells, Current Biol. 28, (6), 972-979 (2018)

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  • F. Wruck, M.J. Avellaneda, E.J. Koers, D.P. Minde, M.P. Mayer, G. Kramer, A. Mashaghi and S.J. Tans, Protein Folding Mediated by Trigger Factor and Hsp70 : New Insights from Single-Molecule Approaches, J. Mol. Biol. 430, (4), 438-449 (2018)

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  • S. Lahiri, P. Nghe, S.J. Tans, M.L. Rosinberg and D. Lacoste, Information-theoretic analysis of the directional influence between cellular processes, PLoS One 12, (11, Article number: e0187431), 1-26 (2017)

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  • V. Satarifard, M. Heidari, S. Mashaghi, S.J. Tans, M.R. Ejtehadi and A. Mashaghi, Topology of polymer chains under nanoscale confinement, Nanoscale 9, (33), 12170-12177 (2017)

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  • M. Heidari, V. Satarifard, S.J. Tans, M.R. Ejtehadi, S. Mashaghi and A. Mashaghi, Topology of internally constrained polymer chains, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, (28), 18389-18393 (2017)

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