Publications - Biophysics

  • M. Kogenaru, M.G.J. de Vos and S.J. Tans, Revealing evolutionary pathways by fitness landscape reconstruction, Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 44, 169-174 (2009)

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  • T. Kalkbrenner, A. Arnold and S.J. Tans, Internal dynamics of supercoiled DNA molecules, Biophys. J. 96, 4951-4955 (2009)

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  • A.M. Adiciptaningrum, I.C. Blomfield and S.J. Tans, Direct observation of type 1 fimbrial switching, EMBO Rep. 10, 527-532 (2009)

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  • A.M. Adiciptaningrum, Phase variation of type 1 fimbriae : a single cell investigation, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2009-01-16

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  • F.J. Poelwijk, Fitness landscapes of gene regulation in variable environments, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2008-05-29

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  • R.G.H. van Leeuwen and S.J. Tans, Moleculaire houdgreep ontrafeld, NTvN 74, 268-270 (2008)

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  • F.J. Poelwijk, D.J. Kiviet, D.M. Weinreich and S.J. Tans, Empirical fitness landscapes reveal accessible evolutionary paths, Nature 445, 383-386 (2007)

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  • P. Bechtluft, R.G.H. van Leeuwen, M. Tyreman, D. Tomkiewicz, N. Nouwen, H.L. Tepper, A.J.M. Driessen and S.J. Tans, Direct observation of chaperone-induced changes in a protein folding pathway, Science 318, 1458-1461 (2007)

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  • R.G.H. van Leeuwen, Protein folding and translocation: single-molecule investigations, Leiden University, 2006-10-16

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  • R. Hermsen, S.J. Tans and P.R. ten Wolde, Transcriptional regulation by competing transcription factor modules, PLoS Comput. Biol. 2, (12, Article number: 164), 1-9 (2006)

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