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A. Mashaghi, F. Moayed, E.J. Koers, Y. Zheng, K. Till, G. Kramer, M.P. Mayer and S.J. Tans, Direct observation of Hsp90-induced compaction in a protein chain, Cell Reports 41, (9), 111734: 1-15 (2022)
G. Huelsz-Prince, R.N.U. Kok, Y.J. Goos, L. Bruens, X. Zheng, S. Ellenbroek, J. Van Rheenen, S.J. Tans and J.S. van Zon, Mother cells control daughter cell proliferation in intestinal organoids to minimize proliferation fluctuations, eLife 11, e80682: 1-21 (2022)
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