
Vici-grant for Gijsje Koenderink

Published on February 26, 2019
Category Biological Soft Matter

AMOLF group leader Gijsje Koenderink receives an NWO Vici grant of 1,5 million euros for her research on how cytoskeletal teamwork makes cells strong. Vici is one of the largest scientific grants for individuals in the Netherlands and targets advanced researchers. NWO awards the grant to 32 leading scientists.

Research plan
Koenderink is thrilled to receive the grant that enables her to carry out her research plan. Elaborating on her research plans she says: “We know that living cells can deform themselves during processes such as cell division, yet resist deformation by imposed mechanical forces. We intend to investigate the mechanisms behind this paradoxical behavior by rebuilding the protein skeleton of the cell and measuring its mechanical properties. The results will reveal the molecular basis of cell mechanics and provide inspiration for future life-like materials.”

About Vici
The Vici grant targets highly experienced researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to act as coaches for young researchers. The Vici grant is one of three funding instruments within the Talent Scheme. The other two instruments are the Veni grant (for recently graduated PhDs, up to 3 years after graduation) and the Vidi grant (for experienced postdocs, up to 8 years after graduation).

Gijsje Koenderink is head of AMOLF’s Living Matter research department and group leader of the Biological Soft Matter group. In addition, she is professor at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

More information about Vici.

Credits: Nout Steenkamp