
AMOLF pleased and proud about results portfolio evaluation

Published on February 25, 2019

AMOLF is very pleased about the conclusions of the committee that evaluated all NWO and KNAW institutes in the past months on their national role and added value to the Dutch scientific landscape. The committee chaired by Prof. Daan Frenkel (Cambridge University) concluded that AMOLF clearly has added value to the Netherlands.

The committee concludes that AMOLF fulfills (inter)national roles in being a driving force in pioneering new fields and as a coordinator of the scientific agenda for materials research. In this respect, AMOLF has a nexus role: connecting various parties, amongst which companies with a strong research component, in larger initiatives. In addition, the committee mentioned AMOLF’s thorough and carefully designed tenure-track policy, which enables the organization to rapidly attract (excellent) researchers to start new programs. AMOLF director Huib Bakker is “naturally very happy and proud of this assessment.”

About the portfolio evaluation
On behalf of the KNAW and NWO an independent committee has evaluated the portfolio of the KNAW and NWO institutes. The committee looked at how the institutes perform their national role and what their added value is to the Dutch scientific landscape. The committee concludes that the national research institutes strengthen science in the Netherlands and that the institutes are successful communicating about science to Dutch society. On February 21st the report of the committee and the response of the boards of NWO and KNAW have been presented to the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science.

Read more about the evaluation, the report and the response of the boards of KNAW and NWO.