
2 Vidi grants for AMOLF groupleaders

Published on May 19, 2014
Categories Photonic Forces, Quantitative Developmental Biology

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded 2 Vidi grants to AMOLF group leaders Ewold Verhagen and Jeroen van Zon.

In total, 540 researchers submitted an application and 88 of them now receive a Vidi grant with a maximum of 800.000 euro.

Verhagen will measure and control the motion of a quantum-bridge with unprecedented accuracy. Even ‘large’ objects – consisting of many atoms – exhibit minute fluctuations imposed by quantum mechanics. Using laser light, the researchers will determine the position of a small vibrating bridge on a chip with extreme accuracy and speed. In that way, they aim to resolve the bridge’s quantum motion and even influence it.

Van Zon will investigate how cells decode noisy signals without errors. In the embryo every cell needs to choose the correct cell fate based on molecular signals that often exhibit random variability. The researchers will use novel microscopy techniques and information theory to understand how such ‘noisy’ signals are still able to drive extremely reliable cell fate choices.

About the grants
Vidi is aimed at outstanding researchers who have already performed successful research for several years at a postdoctoral level. The Vidi winners have demonstrated that they can come up with innovative ideas and develop these successfully and independently. The scientists are among the best ten to twenty percent in their field. The Vidi grant allows them to do research for five years. Vidi is one of the three types of grants under the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme.

Read also the NWO press release (Dutch)

2 Vidi grants for AMOLF groupleaders

Ewold Verhagen and Jeroen van Zon. Picture: H-J Boluijt