Publications Hybrid Nanosystems

Latest Publications

  • L.L. Metz, E.O. Bobylev, C.J.R. vande Poll, E.J.M. Hensen, I. Hoogsteder, W. Albrecht and J.N.H. Reek, Supramolecular Preorganization Rhodium and Iridium Metal Complexes Within M12L24 Self‐Assembled Nanospheres for the Confined Synthesis Rh/Ir Alloyed Nanoparticles, ChemCatChem, e202401161: 1-8 (2024)

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  • M. Dieperink, A. Skorikov, N. Claes, S. Bals and W. Albrecht, Considerations for electromagnetic simulations for a quantitative correlation of optical spectroscopy and electron tomography of plasmonic nanoparticles, Nanophotonics 13, (25), 4647-4665 (2024)

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  • S. Adhikari, Y. Wang, P. Spaeth, F. Scalerandi, W. Albrecht, L. Liu and M. Orrit, Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles Monitored Optically, Nano Lett. 24, (32), 9861-9867 (2024)

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  • S. Adhikari, M.V. Efremova, P. Spaeth, B. Koopmans, R. Lavrijsen and M. Orrit, Single-Particle Photothermal Circular Dichroism and Photothermal Magnetic Circular Dichroism Microscopy, Nano Lett. 24, (17), 5093-5103 (2024)

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  • S. Bals, W. Albrecht, E.I. Arslan, K. Jenkinson, M. Mychinko, D.A. Esteban, T. Altantzis and S. Van Aert: Nanomaterial Transformations Captured by Atomic Resolution 3D Electron Microscopy In: Microsc. Microanal., OUP, 2023. - pp. 595-595

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  • G. González-Rubio and W. Albrecht, Engineering of plasmonic gold nanocrystals through pulsed laser irradiation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, (20), 200502: 1-14 (2022)

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  • P. Spaeth, S. Adhikari, W. Heyvaert, X. Zhuo, I. Garcia, L.M. Liz-Marzán, S. Bals, M. Orrit and W. Albrecht, Photothermal Circular Dichroism Measurements of Single Chiral Gold Nanoparticles Correlated with Electron Tomography, ACS Photonics 9, (13), 3995-4004 (2022)

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  • Y. Wang, Z. Sztranyovszky, A. Zilli, W. Albrecht, S. Bals, P. Borri and W. Langbein, Quantitatively linking morphology and optical response of individual silver nanohedra, Nanoscale 14, (30), 11028-11037 (2022)

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  • M. Dieperink, F. Scalerandi and W. Albrecht, Correlating structure, morphology and properties of metal nanoparticles by combining single-particle optical spectroscopy and electron microscopy, Nanoscale 14, 7460-7472 (2022)

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  • W. Heyvaert, A. Pedrazo-Tardajos, A. Kadu, N. Claes, G. González-Rubio, L.M. Liz-Marzán, W. Albrecht and S. Bals, Quantification of the Helical Morphology of Chiral Gold Nanorods, ACS Materials Lett. 4, (4), 642-649 (2022)

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Publications of Wiebke Albrecht prior to AMOLF


Q. Chen, A. Skorikov, J.E.S. van der Hoeven, A. van Blaaderen, W. Albrecht, H. H. Pérez‐Garza and S. Bals, Estimation of Temperature Homogeneity in MEMS‐Based Heating Nanochips via Quantitative HAADF‐STEM Tomography, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization

M.J.J. Mangnus, J.W. de Wit, S.J.W. Vonk, J.J. Geuchies, W. Albrecht, S. Bals, A.J. Houtepen and F.T. Rabouw, High-Throughput Characterization of Single-Quantum-Dot Emission Spectra and Spectral Diffusion by Multiparticle Spectroscopy, ACS Photonics 10, 2688–2698


B. Ni, M. Mychinko, S. Gómez‐Graña, J. Morales‐Vidal, M. Obelleiro‐Liz, W. Heyvaert, D. Vila‐Liarte, X. Zhuo, W. Albrecht, G. Zheng, G. González‐Rubio, J.M. Taboada, F. Obelleiro, N. López, J. Pérez‐Juste, I. Pastoriza‐Santos, H. Cölfen, S. Bals and L.M. Liz‐Marzán, Chiral seeded growth of gold nanorods into fourfold twisted nanoparticles with plasmonic optical activity, Advanced Materials 35, 2208299

Y. Wang, Z. Sztranyovszky, A. Zilli, W. Albrecht, S. Bals, P. Borri and W. Langbein, Quantitatively linking morphology and optical response of individual silver nanohedra, Nanoscale 14, 11028-11037

A. Pedrazo-Tardajos, E. Arslan Irmak, V. Kumar, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, Q. Chen, M. Wirix, B. Freitag, W. Albrecht, S. Van Aert, L.M. Liz-Marzán and S. Bals, Thermal Activation of Gold Atom Diffusion in Au@ Pt Nanorods, ACS Nano 16, 9608–9619

W. Heyvaert, A. Pedrazo-Tardajos, A. Kadu, N. Claes, G. González-Rubio, L.M. Liz-Marzán, W. Albrecht* and S. Bals*, Quantification of the Helical Morphology of Chiral Gold Nanorods, ACS Materials Letters 4, 642–649


A. Skorikov, W. Heyvaert, W. Albrecht, D.M. Pelt and S. Bals*, Deep learning-based denoising for improved dose efficiency in EDX tomography of nanoparticles, Nanoscale 13, 12242-12249

Jessi E. S. van der Hoeven, Tian-Song Deng, Wiebke Albrecht, Liselotte A. Olthof, Marijn A. van Huis, Petra E. de Jongh, and Alfons van Blaaderen, Structural Control over Bimetallic Core–Shell Nanorods for Surface- Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, ACS Omega 6, 7034–7046

Robin De Meyer, Wiebke Albrecht and Sara Bals, Effectiveness of reducing the influence of CTAB at the surface of metal nanoparticles during in situ heating studies by TEM, Micron 144, 103036

Guillermo González‐Rubio, Pablo Díaz‐Núñez, Wiebke Albrecht, Vanesa Manzaneda‐González, Luis Bañares, Antonio Rivera, Luis M Liz‐Marzán, Ovidio Peña‐Rodríguez, Sara Bals and Andrés Guerrero‐Martínez, Controlled Alloying of Au@ Ag Core–Shell Nanorods Induced by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation, Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2002134

Wiebke Albrecht, Ece Arslan Irmak, Thomas Altantzis, Adrián Pedrazo‐Tardajos, Alexander Skorikov, Tian‐Song Deng, Jessi ES van der Hoeven, Alfons van Blaaderen, Sandra Van Aert and Sara Bals, 3D Atomic‐Scale Dynamics of Laser‐Light‐Induced Restructuring of Nanoparticles Unraveled by Electron Tomography, Advanced Materials 33, 2100972

Mikhail Mychinko, Alexander Skorikov, Wiebke Albrecht, Ana Sánchez‐Iglesias, Xiaolu Zhuo, Vished Kumar, Luis M Liz‐Marzán and Sara Bals, The Influence of Size, Shape, and Twin Boundaries on Heat‐Induced Alloying in Individual Au@ Ag Core–Shell Nanoparticles, Small 17, 2102348

W. Albrecht, S. Van Aert and S. Bals, Three-Dimensional Nanoparticle Transformations Captured by an Electron Microscope, Accounts of Chemical Research 54, 1189–1199

L. M. Payne, F. Masia, A. Zilli, W. Albrecht, P. Borri and W. Langbein, Quantitative morphometric analysis of single gold nanoparticles by optical extinction microscopy: Material permittivity and surface damping effects, The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 044702


W. Albrecht and S. Bals, Fast Electron Tomography for Nanomaterials, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 27276-27286

S. Busatto, M. de Ruiter, J. T. B. H. Jastrzebski, W. Albrecht, V. Pinchetti, S. Brovelli, S. Bals, M.-E. Moret and C. de Mello Donega, Luminescent Colloidal InSb Quantum Dots from In Situ Generated Single- Source Precursor, ACS Nano 14, 13146-13160

A. Sánchez-Iglesias, X. Zhuo, W. Albrecht, S. Bals and L. M. Liz-Marzán, Tuning Size and Seed Position in Small Silver Nanorods, ACS Materials Letters 2, 1246-1250

L. M. Payne, W. Albrecht, W. Langbein and Paola Borri, The optical nanosizer – quantitative size and shape analysis of individual nanoparticles by high-throughput widefield extinction microscopy, Nanoscale 12, 16215-16228

T. Milagres de Oliveira/W. Albrecht, G. Gonzáles-Rubio, T. Altantzis, I.P. Lobato Hoyos, A. Béché, S. Van Aert, A. Guerrero-Martínez, L. M. Liz-Marzán and S. Bals, 3D characterization and plasmon mapping of gold nanorods welded by femtosecond laser irradiation, ACS Nano 14, 12558-12570

G. Gonzáles-Rubio, T. Milagres de Oliveira, W. Albrecht, P. Díaz-Núñez, J. C. Castro-Palacio, A. Prada, R. I. Gonzáles, L. Scarabelli, L. Bañares, A. Rivera, L. M. Liz-Marzán, O. Peña-Rodriguez, S. Bals and A. Guerrero-Martínez, Formation of Hollow Gold Nanocrystals by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 670-677


P. Spaeth, S. Adhikari, L. Le, T. Jollans, S. Pud, W. Albrecht, T. Bauer, M. Caldarola, L. Kuipers and M. Orrit, Circular Dichroism Measurement of Single Metal Nanoparticles Using Photothermal Imaging, Nano Letters 19, 8934-8940

A. Skorikov/W. Albrecht, E. Bladt, X. Xie, J. E. S. van der Hoeven, A. van Blaaderen, S. Van Aert and S. Bals, Quantitative 3D Characterization of Elemental Diusion Dynamics in Individual Ag@Au Nanoparticles with Dierent Shapes, ACS Nano 13, 13421-13429

W. Albrecht, E. Bladt, H. Vanrompay, J. D. Smith, S. E. Skrabalak and S. Bals, Thermal Stability of Gold/Palladium Octopods Studied in Situ in 3D: Understanding Design Rules for Thermally Stable Metal Nanoparticles, ACS Nano 13, 6522-6530


H. Vanrompay / E. Bladt / W. Albrecht, A. Béché, M. Zakhozheva, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, L. M. Liz-Marzán and S. Bals, 3D characterization of heat-induced morphological changes of Au nanostars by fast in-situ electron tomography, Nanoscale 10, 22792-22801

W. Albrecht, A. van de Glind, H. Yoshida, Y. Isozaki, A. Imhof, A. van Blaaderen, P. E. de Jongh, K. P. de Jong, J. Zecevic and S. Takeda, Impact of the electron beam on the thermal stability of gold nanorods studied by environmental transmission electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy 193, 97-103

J. Van Der Burgt, J. Geuchies, B. Van Der Meer, H. Vanrompay, D. Zanaga, Y. Zhang, W. Albrecht, A. Petukhov, L. Filion, S. Bals, I. Swart and D. Vanmaekelbergh, Cuboidal supraparticles self-assembled from cubic CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 15706-15712


W. Albrecht, Plasmonics and Thermal Stability of Anisotropic Nanoparticles: Heating and Fs-Laser Excitation, PhD thesis, Utrecht University, ISBN: 978-90-393-6742-1

W. Albrecht, B. Goris, S. Bals, E.M. Hutter, D. Vanmaekelbergh, M.A. van Huis and A. van Blaaderen, Morphological and chemical transformations of single silica-coated CdSe/CdS nanorods upon fs-laser excitation, Nanoscale 9, 4810-4818

W. Albrecht / J.E.S. van der Hoeven, T.-S. Deng, P.E. de Jongh and A. van Blaaderen, Fully alloyed metal nanorods with highly tunable properties, Nanoscale 9, 2845-2851

R.G. Geitenbeek, P.T. Prins, W. Albrecht, A. van Blaaderen, B.M. Weckhuysen and A. Meijerink, NaYF4:Er3+,Yb3+/SiO2 Core/Shell Upconverting Nanocrystals for Luminescence Thermometry up to 900 K, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 3503-3510


W. Albrecht, T.-S. Deng, B. Goris, M.A. van Huis, S. Bals and A. van Blaaderen, Single Particle Deformation and Analysis of Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods before and after Femtosecond Laser Pulse Excitation, Nano Letters 16, 1818-1825


P. Sippel, W. Albrecht, J.C. van der Bok, R.J.A. Van Dijk-Moes, T. Hannappel, R. Eichberger and D. Vanmaekelbergh, Femtosecond Cooling of Hot Electrons in CdSe Quantum-Well Platelets, Nano Letters 15, 2409-2416


P. Sippel / W. Albrecht, D. Mitoraj, R. Eichberger, T. Hannappel and D. Vanmaekelbergh, Two-Photon Photoemission Study of Competing Auger and Surface-Mediated Relaxation of Hot Electrons in CdSe Quantum Dot Solids, Nano Letters 13, 1655-1661