• J.J. Boon, F.G. Hoogland and K. Keune: Chemical processes in aged oil paints affecting metal soap migration and aggregation In: AIC paintings specialty group postprints : papers pres. at the 34th annual meeting of the AIC of Historic & Artistic Works providence, Rhode Island, June 16-19, 2006 /ed. H. Mar Parkin, AIC, 2007. - pp. 16-23

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  • P. Noble and J.J. Boon: Metal soap degradation of oil paintings : aggregates, increased transparency and efflorescence In: AIC paintings specialty group postprints : papers pres. at the 34th annual meeting of the AIC of Historic & Artistic Works providence, Rhode Island, June 16-19, 2006 /ed. H. Mar Parkin, AIC, 2007. - pp. 1-15

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  • J.J. Boon, F.G. Hoogland and J. van der Horst: Mass spectrometry of modern paints In: Modern paints uncovered : proceedings from the modern paints uncovered symposium organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, Tate, and the National Gallery of Art, Tate Modern, London, May 16-19, 2006 /ed. T. Learner, Getty Conservation Institute, 2007. - pp. 85-95

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  • H.A. Rinia, K.N.J. Burger, M. Bonn and M. Müller: Multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy on lipid droplets in HeLa cells In: Confocal, multiphoton, and nonlinear microscopic imaging III : 17-18 June 2007, Munich, Germany /ed. T. Wilson and A. Periasamy, Bellingham: SPIE, 2007.

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  • O.M. Shir, M. Emmerich, Th. Bäck and M.J.J. Vrakking: Conceptual designs in laser pulse shaping obtained by niching in evolution strategies In: Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization, and Control : proceedings EUROGEN 11-13.06. 2007, Jyväskylä, Finland /ed. P. Neittaanmäki, J. Périaux and T. Tuovinen, CIMNE, 2007.

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  • A. Broersen, R. van Liere and R.M.A. Heeren: Parametric visualization of high resolution correlated multi-spectral features using PCA In: EuroVis07: Joint Eurographics - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, Norrköping, Sweden, 23-25 May 2007 /ed. K. Museth, T. Möller and A. Ynnerman, Eurographics Association, 2007. - pp. 203-210

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  • Beatrice Marino, J.J. Boon, E. Hendriks, F. Horréard and F. Hillion: Imaging TOF-SIMS and NanoSIMS studies of Barite-Celestite particles in grounds from paintings by Van Gogh In: AIC paintings specialty group postprints : papers pres. at the 34th annual meeting of the AIC of Historic & Artistic Works providence, Rhode Island, June 16-19, 2006 /ed. H. Mar Parkin, AIC, 2007. - pp. 118-128

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  • J.J. Boon and S. Asahina: Surface preparation of cross sections from traditional and modern paint using the Argon ion milling polishing CP system In: Proceedings Microscopy and Microanalysis 2006 /ed. P. Kotula, Press syndicate of the University Cambridge, 2006. - pp. 1322-1323

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  • O.M. Shir, Ch. Siedschlag, Th. Bäck and M.J.J. Vrakking: Niching in evolution strategies and its application to laser pulse shaping In: Artificial evolution : proc. of the 6th Internat. Conf. on Artif. Evol., EA 2003, held in Lille, France, October 26-28, 2005 /ed. E. Talbi and P. Liardet, Cham: Springer, 2006. - pp. 85-96

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  • A. van Loon, L. Speleers, E.S.B. Ferreira, K. Keune and J.J. Boon: The relationship between preservation and technique in paintings in the Oranjezaal In: The object in context : crossing conservation boundaries : contributions to the Munich congres 28 August - 1 September 2006 /ed. D. Saunders, J.H. Townsend and S. Woodcock, IIC, 2006. - pp. 217-223

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