Publications - Book chapters

  • A. Polman: Nobelprijs natuurkunde 2009 voor glasvezelcommunicatie In: Natuurkundige voordrachten - nieuwe reeks no. 88 : [jaarboek] /ed. Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde, s.n., 2010. - pp. 145-150

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  • R.G. Bacabac, D. Mizuno and G.H. Koenderink: Mechanical properties of living cells : on mechanosensing and microgravity In: Cell Mechanochemistry /ed. M. Monici and J. van Loon, Transworld Research Network, 2010. - pp. 23-54

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  • R.J.P. Engelen and L.K. Kuipers: Tracking light pulses with near-field microscopy In: Nano-optics and near-field optical microscopy /ed. A. Zayats and D. Richards, Artech House, 2009. - pp. 135-157

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  • J.J. Boon, T.F.M. Oudemans, J. van der Horst and A.E. Kerkhoff: Analysis of archaeological residues on pottery In: Landscapes in the Broekpolder : excavations around a monument with aspects of the Bronze Age to the Modern (Beverwijk & Heemskerk, Noord-Holland) /ed. L.L. Therkorn, AAC Projectbureau en UvA, 2009.

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  • J.J. Boon, T.F.M. Oudemans, J. van der Horst and A.E. Kerkhoff: Residue analysis : summary In: Landscapes in the Broekpolder : excavations around a monument with aspects of the Bronze Age to the Modern (Beverwijk & Heemskerk, Noord-Holland) /ed. L.L. Therkorn, AAC Projectbureau en UvA, 2009.

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  • M.N. de Keijzer, A.M.C. Emons and B.M. Mulder: Modeling tip growth : pushing ahead In: Root Hairs /ed. A.M.C. Emons and T. Ketelaar, Cham: Springer, 2009. - pp. 103-122

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  • H.J. Bakker and R.L.A. Timmer: Frequency dependence of the molecular reorientation of liquid water In: , , 2009. (Ultrafast Phenomena XVI. Springer Series in Chemical Physics, vol 92;)

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  • L. Carlyle, J.J. Boon, M. Bustin and P. Smithen: Seagram mural paintings from the viewpoint of preservation and restoration In: Mark Rothko February 21 - June 7, 2009 Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art : exhibition organized by Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art in association with Tate Modern, London /ed. K. Rothko Prizel and C. Rothko, Tankosha Publishing Co, 2009. - pp. 164-175

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  • A.F.M. Altelaar and R.M.A. Heeren: Tissue analysis with high resolution imaging mass spectrometry In: Mass spectrometry of proteins and peptides : Methods and protocols /ed. M.S. Lipton and Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic, Humana Press, 2009. - pp. 295-308

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  • C. Tischer, D. Brunner and A.M. Dogterom: Automated spatial mapping of microtubule catastrophe rates in fission yeast In: Biophysical Tools for Biologists : Volume 2 : In Vivo Techniques /ed. J.J. Correia and H.W. Detrich, Elsevier B.V., 2008. - pp. 521-538

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