J.H.A. van Wakeren and J. Verhoeven: Waveguide high pass filter for thermal conversion of solar energyIn: Heliotechnique and Development: /ed. M.A. Kettani and J.E. Soussou, Development Analysis Associates, 1976. - pp. 188-194
P.G. Kistemaker, H.L.C. Meuzelaar and M.A. Posthumus: Rapid and Automated Identification of Microorganisms by Curie-Point Pyrolysis Techniques, II: Fast identification of Microbiological Samples by Curie-Point Pyrolysis Mass SpectrometryIn: New approaches to the identification of microorganisms /ed. C.-G. Hed and T. Ill, Weinheim: Wiley, 1975. - pp. 179-191
F.J. de Heer: Elastic and total scattering of electrons by noble gasesIn: The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions : Invited Lectures, Review Papers, and Progress Reports of the IX International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions : IX ICPEAC, Seattle, 24-30 July 1975 /ed. J.S. Risley and R. Geballe, University of Washington, 1975. - pp. 79-97
H.L.C. Meuzelaar, P.G. Kistemaker and A. Tom: Rapid and Automated Identification of Microorganisms by Curie-Point PyroIysis Techniques, I: Differentiation of Bacterial Strains by Fully Automated Curie Point Pyrolysis Gas-Liquid ChromatographyIn: New approaches to the identification of microorganisms /ed. C.-G. Hed and T. Ill, Weinheim: Wiley, 1975. - pp. 165-178
A.P.M. Baede: Charge transfer between neutrals at hyperthermal energiesIn: Molecular Scattering: Physical and Chemical Applications /ed. K.P. Lawley, Weinheim: Wiley, 1975. - pp. 463-535
B. van Wingerden, F.J. de Heer, R.H.J. Jansen and J.H. Los: Testing of classical and quantum-mechanical criteria for elastic scattering of electrons by noble gasesIn: Electron and photon interactions with atoms : Festschrift for Professor Ugo Fano /ed. H. Kleinpoppen and M.R.C. McDowell, Plenum Press, 1975. - pp. 185-189
A.J.H. Boerboom and H.L.C. Meuzelaar: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de massaspectrometrie, bacterieanalyse en en structuuronderzoek aan grote moleculenIn: Jaarboek '75 : Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie, Utrecht: Stichting FOM, 1975. - pp. 79-89
F.W. Saris: Characteristic X-ray production in heavy-ion-atom collisionsIn: Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, VII ICPEAC, 1971, North-Holland, 1972. - pp. 181-199
M.J. van der Wiel: Excitation of inner-shell electrons by photons and fast electronsIn: Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, VII ICPEAC, 1971, North-Holland, 1972. - pp. 140-153
F.W.E. Knoop, H.H. Brongersma, A.J.H. Boerboom and L.J. Oosterhoff: A new method of studying molecules by electron impact spectroscopyIn: International Mass Spectrometry Conference : Proceedings, The Institute of Petroleum, 1970. - pp. 136-140