• H. van Dop, A.J.H. Boerboom and J.H. Los, Energy-loss measurements of K+ ions in head-on collisions with He, H2 and D2, Physica 54, 223-236 (1971)

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  • J.G. Bannenberg, A force-free bellos system with six degrees of freedom, J. Phys. E 4, 538-540 (1971)

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  • F. Cannemeijer, M.H. de Vasconcelos and A.E. de Vries, Measurement of vibrational relaxation times in the spectrophone by the amplitude-frequency response method, Physica 53, 77-97 (1971)

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  • S.J. Bijlsma, On surface waves in magnetohydrodynamics generated by a travelling pressure point, Plasma Phys. 13, 681-687 (1971)

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  • M.H. de Vasconcelos, F. Cannemeijer and A.E. de Vries, The choice of a calibration gas for CH4 spectrophone measurements: NH3 or a small amount of C2H6 in CH4, Chem. Phys. Lett. 12, 154-156 (1971)

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  • J.F.M. Aarts, C.I.M. Beenakker and F.J. de Heer, Radiation from CH4 and C2H4 produced by electron impact, Physica 53, 32-44 (1971)

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  • J.G. Bannenberg and A.J.H. Boerboom, A 40-200 keV ion accelerator with three beam lines, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 91, 269-276 (1971)

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  • J.F.M. Aarts and F.J. de Heer, Emission cross sections for 0 I and 0 II multiplet radiation produced by electron impact on O2, Physica 56, 294-296 (1971)

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  • M.J. van der Wiel and G. Wiebes, Multiple ionization of Ar by 10 keV electrons as a function of the energy loss, Physica 53, 225-255 (1971)

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  • P.G. Ikelaar, M.J. van der Wiel and W. Tebra, Data collector for a coincidence experiment, J. Phys. E 4, 102-104 (1971)

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