• W. Tebra, Jubileum NNV en FOM, Polytech. Tijdschr. Elektrotech. 26, 536-544 (1971)

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  • A. Tip, Transport equations for dilute gases with internal degrees of freedom: II. The generalized master equation approach, Physica 53, 183-192 (1971)

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  • F.J. de Heer and J.D. Carri, Emission of the Werner Band System and Lyman-alpha radiation for 0.05-6-keV electrons in H2, J. Chem. Phys. 55, 3829-3835 (1971)

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  • F.W. Saris and D.J. Bierman, The influence of outershell-excitation on the X-ray production in ion-atom collisions, Phys. Lett. A 35, 199-200 (1971)

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  • T.R. Govers and J.H.F.M. Schopman, Translational spectroscopy of the unimolecular dissociation NO+ ® O+ + N, Chem. Phys. Lett. 12, 414-418 (1971)

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  • A. Tip, Transport equations for dilute gases with internal degrees of freedom, Physica 52, 493-522 (1971)

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  • J.H.F.M. Schopman, J.H. Los and J.G. Maas, The dissociation of 10 keV (HeH)+ molecular ions II. He+ fragments, Physica 51, 113-131 (1971)

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  • M.C. Moutinho, A.P.M. Baede and J.H. Los, Charge transfer between alkali atoms and oxygen molecules, Physica 51, 432-444 (1971)

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  • J.J.P. Elich, H.E. Roosendaal and D. Onderdelinden, Copper single crystal sputtering in the temperature range from 50 K to 600 K, Radiat. Eff. 10, 175-184 (1971)

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  • P.G. Fournier, C.A. van de Runstraat, T.R. Govers, J.H.F.M. Schopman, F.J. de Heer and J.H. Los, Collision-induced dissociation of 10keV N2+ions: Evidence for predissociation of the C2Su+ state, Chem. Phys. Lett. 9, 426-428 (1971)

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