Publications - Quantitative Developmental Biology

  • M.A. Betjes, X. Zheng, R.N.U. Kok, J.S. van Zon and S.J. Tans, Cell Tracking for Organoids: Lessons From Developmental Biology, Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9, 675013: 1-7 (2021)

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  • S.L. Koneru, F.X. Quah, R. Ghose, M. Hintze, N. Gritti, J.S. van Zon and M. Barkoulas, A role for the fusogen eff-1 in epidermal stem cell number robustness in Caenorhabditis elegans, Sci. Rep. 11, (1), 9787: 1-13 (2021)

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  • O. Filina, Temporal dynamics in C. Elegans Development and stress response, Delft University of Technology, 2021-03-31

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  • J.J.H. Traets, Developmental timing and cell fate maintenance in Caenorhabditis elegans, VU University Amsterdam, 2021-02-10

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  • R.N.U. Kok, L. Hebert, G. Huelsz-Prince, Y.J. Goos, X. Zheng, K. Bozek, G.J. Stephens, S.J. Tans and J.S. van Zon, OrganoidTracker: Efficient cell tracking using machine learning and manual error correction, PLoS One 15, (10), e0240802: 1-18 (2020)

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  • B. Artegiani, D. Hendriks, J. Beumer, R.N.U. Kok, X. Zheng, I. Joore, S. Chuva de Sousa Lopes, J.S. van Zon, S.J. Tans and H. Clevers, Fast and efficient generation of knock-in human organoids using homology-independent CRISPR–Cas9 precision genome editing, Nature Cell Biol. 22, (3), 321-331 (2020)

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  • J.R. Kroll, J. Tsiaxiras and J.S. van Zon, Variability in the timing of a β-catenin pulse biases a stochastic cell fate decision in C. elegans, Dev. Biol. 461, (2), 110-123 (2020)

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  • G. Huelsz-Prince, Snooping on cells in worms and mini-organs, Delft University of Technology, 2019-10-14

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  • L. Hartl, G. Huelsz-Prince, J.S. van Zon and S.J. Tans, Apical constriction is necessary for crypt formation in small intestinal organoids, Dev. Biol. 450, (2), 76-81 (2019)

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  • G. Huelsz-Prince, A.L. DeVries, H.J. Bakker, J.S. van Zon and K. Meister, Effect of Antifreeze Glycoproteins on Organoid Survival during and after Hypothermic Storage, Biomolecules 9, (3), 110: 1-9 (2019)

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