Publications - Physics of Behavior

  • J.M. Keegstra, K. Kamino, F. Anquez, M.D. Lazova, T. Emonet and T.S. Shimizu, Phenotypic diversity and temporal variability in a bacterial signaling network revealed by single-cell FRET, eLife 6, (Article number: e27455), 1-33 (2017)

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  • E. Johlin, J. Solari, S.A. Mann, J. Wang, T.S. Shimizu and E.C. Garnett, Super-Resolution Imaging of Light-Matter Interactions near Single Semiconductor Nanowires, Nature Commun. 7, (Article number: 13950), 1-6 (2016)

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  • K. Kamino and Yohei Kondo, Rescaling of Spatio-Temporal Sensing in Eukaryotic Chemotaxis, PLoS One 11, (10, Article number: e0164674), 1-18 (2016)

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  • S. Gude, Dispersal and growth of bacteria, Delft University of Technology, 2016-04-11

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  • B.T. Rosier and M.D. Lazova, Dose-Response Analysis of Chemotactic Signaling Response in Salmonella typhimurium LT2 upon Exposure to Cysteine / Cystine Redox Pair, PLoS One 11, (4, Article number: e0152815), 1-16 (2016)

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  • K. Taute, S. Gude, S.J. Tans and T.S. Shimizu, High-throughput 3D tracking of bacteria on a standard phase contrast microscope, Nature Commun. 6, (Article number: 8776), 1-9 (2015)

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  • P. Szymańska, N. Gritti, J.M. Keegstra, M. Soltani and B. Munsky, Using noise to control heterogeneity of isogenic populations in homogenous environments, Phys. Biol. 12, (4, Article number: 45003), 1-12 (2015)

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  • M.D. Lazova, Design and implementation of a bacterial signaling circuit, VU University Amsterdam, 2013-06-11

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  • M. Flores, T.S. Shimizu, P.R. ten Wolde and F. Tostevin, Signaling noise enhances chemotactic drift of E. coli, Phys.Rev.Lett. 109, (14, Article number: 148101), 1-5 (2012)

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  • M.D. Lazova, M.T. Butler, T.S. Shimizu and R.M. Harshey, Salmonella chemoreceptors McpB and McpC mediate a repellent response to L-cystine: a potential mechanism to avoid oxidative conditions, Mol. Microbiol. 84, (4), 697-711 (2012)

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