Publications - Photonic Materials

  • A. Polman: Erbium-doped planar optical amplifiers In: Proceedings of the 10th european conference on integrated optics (ECIO '01), Paderborn, Germany, April 4-6, 2001, [s.n.], 2001. - pp. 75-78

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  • C. Strohhöfer and A. Polman, Relationship between gain and Yb3+ concentration in Er3+-Yb3+ doped waveguide amplifiers, J. Appl. Phys. 90, 4314-4320 (2001)

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  • L.H. Slooff, A. Polman, F. Cacialli, R.H. Friend, G.A. Hebbink, F.C.J.M. van Veggel and D.N. Reinhoudt, Near-infrared electroluminescence of polymer light-emitting diodes doped with a lissamine-sensitized Nd3+ complex, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 2122-2124 (2001)

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  • P.G. Kik and A. Polman, Exciton-erbium energy transfer in Si nanocrystal-doped SiO2, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 81, 3-8 (2001)

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  • A. Polman, Erbium-doped silicon opto-electronics: Research summary, reprints of publications that appeared in the period February 1993-April 2000 (2000)

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  • L.H. Slooff, Rare-earth doped polymer waveguides and light emitting diodes = Zeldzaam-aard gedoteerde polymeer lichtgeleiders en licht emitterende diodes, Utrecht University, 2000-11-17

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  • P.G. Kik, Energy transfer in erbium doped optical waveguides based on silicon = Energie overdracht in erbium gedoteerde lichtgeleiders gebaseerd op silicium, Utrecht University, 2000-09-18

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  • A. Polman: Exciting erbium-doped planar optical amplifier materials In: Rare-Earth-Doped Materials and Devices IV : 26-27 January 2000 San Jose, California /ed. S. Jiang, Bellingham: SPIE, 2000. - pp. 2-13

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  • P.G. Kik and A. Polman, Exciton-erbium interactions in Si nanocrystal-doped SiO2, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 1992-1998 (2000)

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  • M.L. Brongersma, P.G. Kik, A. Polman, K.S. Min and H.A. Atwater, Size-dependent electron-hole exchange interaction in Si nanocrystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 351-353 (2000)

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