M.J.A. de Dood, B. Berkhout, C.M. van Kats, A. Polman and A. van Blaaderen, Acid based synthesis of monodisperse rare earth doped colloidal SiO2 spheres, Chem. Mater. 14, 2849-2853 (2002)
L. Kou, D.C. Hall, C. Strohhöfer, A. Polman, T. Zhang, R.M. Kolbas, R.D. Heller and R.D. Dupuis, Er-doped AlGaAs native oxides: Photoluminescence characterization and process optimization, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 8, 880-890 (2002)
L.H. Slooff, A. van Blaaderen, A. Polman, G.A. Hebbink, S.I. Klink, F.C.J.M. van Veggel, D.N. Reinhoudt and J.W. Hofstraat, Rare-earth doped polymers for planar optical amplifiers, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 3955-3980 (2002)
M.J.A. de Dood, E. Snoeks, A. Moroz and A. Polman, Design and optimization of 2D photonic crystal waveguides based on silicon, Opt. Quantum Electr. 34, 145-159 (2002)
K.P. Velikov, T. van Dillen, A. Polman and A. van Blaaderen, Photonic crystals of shape-anisotropoc colloidal particles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 838-840 (2002)
P.G. Kik, A. Polman, S. Libertino and S. Coffa, Design and performance of an erbium doped silicon waveguide detector operating at 1.5 mm, J. Lightwave Technol. 20, 862-867 (2002)