Publications - Photonic Materials

  • A.F. Koenderink, R. de Waele, J.C. Prangsma and A. Polman, Experimental evidence for large dynamic effects on the plasmon dispersion of subwavelength metal nanoparticle waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 76, (Article number: 201403), 1-4 (2007)

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  • J.J. Penninkhof, Tunable plasmon resonances in anisotropic metal nanostructrues, Utrecht University, 2006-09-25

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  • J.S. Biteen, N.S. Lewis, H.A. Atwater, H. Mertens and A. Polman, Spectral tunning of plasmon-enhanced silicon quantum dot luminescence, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, (Article number: 131109), 1-3 (2006)

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  • T. van Dillen, E. van der Giessen, P.R. Onck and A. Polman, Size-dependent ion-beam-induced anisotropic plastic deformation at the nanoscale by nonhydrostatic capillary stresses, Phys. Rev. B 74, (Article number: 132103), 1-4 (2006)

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  • J.J. Penninkhof, T. van Dillen, S. Roorda, C. Graf, A. van Blaaderen, A.J. Vredenberg and A. Polman, Anisotropic deformation of metallo-dielectric core-shell colloids under MeV ion irradiation, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 242, 523-529 (2006)

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  • H. Mertens and A. Polman, Plasmon-enhanced erbium luminescence, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, (Article number: 211107), 1-3 (2006)

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  • J.A. Dionne, L.A. Sweatlock, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Plasmon slot waveguides: towards chip-scale propagation with subwavelength-scale localization, Phys. Rev. B 73, (Article number: 35407), 1-4 (2006)

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  • A.F. Koenderink and A. Polman, Complex response and polariton-like dispersion splitting in periodic metal nanoparticle chains, Phys. Rev. B 74, (Article number: 33402), 1-4 (2006)

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  • J. Kalkman, A. Polman, T.J. Kippenberg, K.J. Vahala and M.L. Brongersma, Erbium-implanted silica microsphere laser, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 242, 182-185 (2006)

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  • T.J. Kippenberg, J. Kalkman, A. Polman and K.J. Vahala, Demonstration of an erbium-doped microdisk laser on a silicon chip, Phys. Rev. A 74, (Article number: 51802), 1-4 (2006)

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