Publications - Photonic Materials

  • F. Bernal Arango, R. Thijssen, B.J.M. Brenny, T. Coenen and A.F. Koenderink, Robustness of plasmon phased array antennas to disorder, Sci. Rep. 5, (Article number: 10911), 1-9 (2015)

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  • A.C. Atre, B.J.M. Brenny, T. Coenen, A. Polman and J.A. Dionne, Nanoscale optical tomography with cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, (5), 429-436 (2015)

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  • A.F. Koenderink, A. Alù and A. Polman, Nanophotonics : shrinking light-based technology, Science 348, (6234), 516-521 (2015)

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  • T. Coenen, B.J.M. Brenny, Ernst Jan R. Vesseur and A. Polman, Cathodoluminescence microscopy : Optical imaging and spectroscopy with deep-subwavelength resolution, MRS Bulletin 40, (4), 359-365 (2015)

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  • M.W. Knight, T. Coenen, Y. Yang, B.J.M. Brenny, M. Losurdo, A.S. Brown, H.O. Everitt and A. Polman, Gallium Plasmonics : Deep Subwavelength Spectroscopic Imaging of Single and Interacting Gallium Nanoparticles, ACS Nano 9, (2), 2049-2060 (2015)

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  • P. Spinelli, F.O. Lenzmann, A.W. Weeber and A. Polman, Effect of EVA encapsulation on antireflection properties of Mie Nanoscatterers for c-Si solar cells, IEEE J. Photovoltaics 5, (2), 559-564 (2015)

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  • E.D. Kosten, B.K. Newman, J.V. Lloyd, A. Polman and H.A. Atwater, Limiting light escape angle in silicon photovoltaics : ideal and realistic cells, IEEE J. Photovoltaics 5, (1), 61-69 (2015)

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  • M.T. Sheldon, J. van de Groep, A.M. Brown, A. Polman and H.A. Atwater, Plasmoelectric potentials in metal nanostructures, Science 346, (6211), 828-831 (2014)

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  • M.A. van de Haar, R.C. Maas, A.H. Schokker and A. Polman, Experimental realization of a polarization-independent ultraviolet/visible coaxial plasmonic metamaterial, Nano Lett. 14, (11), 6356-6360 (2014)

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  • R. Thijssen, T.J. Kippenberg, A. Polman and E. Verhagen, Parallel transduction of nanomechanical motion using plasmonic resonators, ACS Photonics 1, (11), 1181-1188 (2014)

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