Plasmomechanical resonators based on dimer nano-antennas

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Reference R. Thijssen, T.J. Kippenberg, A. Polman and E. Verhagen, Plasmomechanical resonators based on dimer nano-antennas, Nano Lett. 15, (6), 3971-3976 (2015)
Groups Photonic Forces, Photonic Materials

Nanomechanical resonators are highly suitable as sensors of minute forces, displacements, or masses. We realize a single plasmonic dimer antenna of subwavelength size, integrated with silicon nitride nanobeams. The sensitive dependence of the antenna response on the beam displacement creates a plasmomechanical system of deeply subwavelength size in all dimensions. We use it to demonstrate transduction of thermal vibrations to scattered light fields and discuss the noise properties and achievable coupling strengths in these systems.