Publications - Mechanical Metamaterials

  • M. Kadic, G.W. Milton, M. van Hecke and M. Wegener, 3D Metamaterials, Nature Rev. Phys. 1, (3), 198-210 (2019)

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  • H.K. Khattak, S.R. Waitukaitis and A.D. Slepkov, Microwave induced mechanical activation of hydrogel dimers, Soft Matter 15, (29), 5804-5809 (2019)

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  • P. Dieleman, Origami Metamaterials: Design, Symmetries, and Combinatorics, Leiden University, 2018-10-16

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  • C. Coulais, A. Sabbadini, F. Vink and M. van Hecke, Multi-step self-guided pathways for shape-changing metamaterials, Nature 561, 512-527 (2018)

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  • L.A. Lubbers, Mechanical Metamaterials: Nonlinear Beams and Excess Zero Modes, Leiden University, 2018-09-13

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  • S.R. Waitukaitis, K. Harth and M. van Hecke, From Bouncing to Floating: The Leidenfrost Effect with Hydrogel Spheres, Phys.Rev.Lett. 121, (4), 1-5 (2018)

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  • S.R. Waitukaitis, Clicks for doughnuts, Nature Phys. 14, 777-778 (2018)

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  • S.R. Waitukaitis, Pancake science: how a hot griddle puts a perpetual bounce in hydrogel spheres, Amsterdam Sci., (7), 13-13 (2018)

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  • V. Lee, N.M. James, S.R. Waitukaitis and H.M. Jaeger, Collisional charging of individual submillimeter particles: Using ultrasonic levitation to initiate and track charge transfer, Phys.Rev.Materials 2, (3), 035602: 1-11 (2018)

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  • C. Coulais, C. Kettenis and M. van Hecke, A characteristic length scale causes anomalous size effects and boundary programmability in mechanical metamaterials, Nature Phys. 14, 40-45 (2018)

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