Publications - Mechanical Metamaterials

  • H.C. Hendrikse, A. van der Weijden, M. Ronda‐Lloret, T. Yang, R. Bliem, R. Shiju, M. van Hecke, L. Li and W.L. Noorduin, Shape‐Preserving Chemical Conversion of Architected Nanocomposites, Adv. Mater. 32, (52), 2003999: 1-7 (2020)

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  • S.R. Waitukaitis, P. Dieleman and M. van Hecke, Non-Euclidean origami, Phys. Rev. E 102, (3), 031001 (R): 1-5 (2020)

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  • P.K. Morse, S. Wijtmans, M. van Deen, M. van Hecke and M.L. Manning, Differences in plasticity between hard and soft spheres, Phys. Rev. Research 2, (2), 023179: 1-6 (2020)

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  • A.S. Meeussen, E.C. Oguz, M. van Hecke and Y. Shokef, Response evolution of mechanical metamaterials under architectural transformations, New J. Phys. 22, 023030: 1-24 (2020)

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  • A.S. Meeussen, E.C. Oguz, Y. Shokef and M. van Hecke, Topological defects produce exotic mechanics in complex metamaterials, Nature Phys. 16, 307-311 (2020)

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  • P. Dieleman, N. Vasmel, S.R. Waitukaitis and M. van Hecke, Jigsaw puzzle design of pluripotent origami, Nature Phys. 16, (1), 63-68 (2020)

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  • H. Bense, M. Tani, M. Saint-Jean, E. Reyssat, B. Roman and J. Bico, Elastocapillary adhesion of a soft cap on a rigid sphere, Soft Matter 16, (8), 1961-1966 (2020)

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  • S.C Zhao, M. Maas, K. Jansen and M. van Hecke, 3D Printed Actuators: Reversibility, Relaxation, and Ratcheting, Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, (51), 1905545: 1-8 (2019)

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  • L.A. Lubbers and M. van Hecke, Excess floppy modes and multibranched mechanisms in metamaterials with symmetries, Phys. Rev. E 100, (2), 021001: 1-5 (2019)

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  • N. Singh, Strategies for mechanical metamaterial design, Leiden University, 2019-04-10

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