Publications - Interacting Photons

  • K.J.H. Peters, Z. Geng, K. Malmir, J.M. Smith and S.R.K. Rodriguez, Extremely Broadband Stochastic Resonance of Light and Enhanced Energy Harvesting Enabled by Memory Effects in the Nonlinear Response, Phys.Rev.Lett. 126, (21), 213901: 1-7 (2021)

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  • Z. Geng, J. Theenhaus, B.K. Patra, J.-Y. Zheng, J. Busink, E.C. Garnett and S.R.K. Rodriguez, Fano Lineshapes and Rabi Splittings: Can They Be Artificially Generated or Obscured by the Numerical Aperture?, ACS Photonics 8, (5), 1271-1276 (2021)

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  • A. Berkhout, Planar hybrid plasmonic-photonic resonators: an interferometric investigation, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2020-11-13

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  • N.Carlon Zambon, S.R.K. Rodriguez, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, P. St-Jean, S. Ravets, A. Amo and J. Bloch, Parametric instability in coupled nonlinear microcavities, Phys. Rev. A 102, (2), 023526: 1-8 (2020)

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  • K. Perrier, S. Greveling, H. Wouters, S.R.K. Rodriguez, G. Lehoucq, S. Combrie, A. De Rossi, S. Faez and A.P. Mosk, Thermo-optical dynamics of a nonlinear GaInP photonic crystal nanocavity depend on the optical mode profile, OSA Continuum 3, (7), 1879-1890 (2020)

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  • Z. Geng, K.J.H. Peters, A.A.P. Trichet, K. Malmir, R. Kolkowski, J.M. Smith and S.R.K. Rodriguez, Universal Scaling in the Dynamic Hysteresis, and Non-Markovian Dynamics, of a Tunable Optical Cavity, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, (15), 153603: 1-7 (2020)

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  • S.R.K. Rodriguez, Enhancing the Speed and Sensitivity of a Nonlinear Optical Sensor with Noise, Phys. Rev. Appl. 13, (2), 024032: 1-11 (2020)

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  • S.R.K. Rodriguez, V. Goblot, N.Carlon Zambon, A. Amo and J. Bloch, Nonreciprocity and zero reflection in nonlinear cavities with tailored loss, Phys. Rev. A 99, 013851: 1-11 (2019)

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