
Wim Noorduin starts new research group on Self-Organizing Matter

Published on August 3, 2015
Category Self-Organizing Matter

As of August 1st, Wim Noorduin has been appointed as AMOLF group leader. Noorduin is the second group leader hired in the Designer Matter group, a recently started line of research at AMOLF. His Self-Organizing Matter group focuses on the dynamic interplay between chemical reactions and crystallization phenomena to control the emergence of complexity in the solid state. In particular, the group aims to develop physical-chemical schemes to rationally self-organize microscale devices and functional molecules.

During his cum laude awarded PhD, at the Radboud University Nijmegen under the direction of professor Elias Vlieg, Noorduin developed a simple process for chiral purification by grinding crystals in conjunction with a chemical reaction. He then moved on to demonstrate how reaction diffusion mechanisms can be used to rationally design complex microstructures during his postdoctoral research with professor Joanna Aizenberg at Harvard University.

Noorduin has received numerous awards including the DSM Science & Technology Award, KNCV Backer prize, and a Rubicon and VENI Postdoctoral fellowship from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

self organizing matter wim noorduin

Wim Noorduin