
Royal Decoration for Wim Sinke

Published on November 16, 2015
Category Photonic Materials

AMOLF’s visiting scientist Wim Sinke was awarded a royal decoration last Friday, November 13 at the symposium Our solar energy future that was organized at the occasion of Sinke’s 60th birthday. Six (inter-)national speakers gave presentations on state-of-the art photovoltaic energy conversion, honoring the many contributions of Sinke in this field.

At the end of the symposium mayor J.R.A. Nawijn of Hollands Kroon surprised Sinke, honoring him with the Order of the Netherlands Lion for his exceptional service to society as a leader in solar energy research and technology in the last 25 years in the Netherlands and abroad.

Wim Sinke started his career at AMOLF as a PhD student and later served as group leader, pioneering photovoltaics research at AMOLF. He is now part-time associated with AMOLF’s focus group Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials.

photonic materials albert polman wim sinke








Wim Sinke on the left

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