Kristina Ganzinger appointed at AMOLF as WISE tenure track group leader
NWO has awarded three talented female scientists a WISE grant. Dr Kristina Ganzinger has received an appointment at the Netherlands Institute for the Physics of Functional Complex Matter AMOLF, Dr Larissa Juschkin at the Advanced Research Centre for Nanolithography ARCNL, and Dr Aurora Simionescu at the Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON. With the WISE program, NWO wants to increase the percentage of female researchers at its institutes.

AMOLF director Huib Bakker: “Dr. Ganzinger is beyond doubt an ideal candidate for the WISE fellowship. I think she will be a great asset to AMOLF and Dutch biophysics as a whole. She clearly has the potential to become a leader in her field.”
About the NWO WISE program
NWO has several dedicated programs for talented researchers. To improve the gender balance among its research staff, NWO decided in 2015 to establish a tenure-track programme for female researchers at NWO institutes, Women In Science Excel (WISE). This programme offers excellent female researchers the possibility to develop their own research group or to continue such a research group at one of the NWO institutes.
Read the NWO press release