Mechanical metamaterials, soft robotics

Design of Mechanical Metamaterials; Information Processing in (Meta)Materials
Group: Mechanical Metamaterials

Rationally designed matematerials translates vertical force into a precise pattern

We are developing new design methodologies for complex metamaterials – materials that can change shape and have evolving properties in response to forcing. We are also investigating integrated sensing, information processing, and actuation of such structured materials.

Potential applications

  • Prosthetics
  • Wearables
  • Self-folding structures (space)
  • Sensing and positioning; soft robotics

C. Coulais, E. Teomy, K. de Reus, Y. Shokef and M. van Hecke, Combinatorial design of textured mechanical metamaterials, Nature 535, 529-532 (2016)

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Inverse design of (non-linear) mechanical structures and devices
Group: Soft Robotic Matter

Optimized beams for targeted buckling behavior

We use stochastic optimization techniques to optimize the architecture of structures for their buckling behavior. The same technique can also be applied to other (non-linear) problems.

Potential applications

  • Structural optimization
  • (Soft) robotics

G. Oliveri and J.T.B. Overvelde, Inverse Design of mechanical metamaterials that undergo buckling, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 12: 1909033: 1-11 (2020)

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Soft robotics
Group: Soft Robotic Matter

Using silicone materials to build soft robots with adaptable properties.

Soft pneumatic robot

Potential applications

  • Adaptable grippers
  • Medical implants and devices
  • Robotic textiles
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