DIFFER: plasmonic nanomaterials for photocatalysis
TUD: high-resolution TEM of complex nanostructures; novel singlet fission materials
TUE: InP nanowire array and single nanowire solar cells; polymer solar cells with nanowire transparent contacts; metal-insulator-semiconductor solar cells with metal nanowire networks
UvA: single-crystal x-ray diffraction of halide perovskites
WUR: silicon surface coating for organic-silicon hybrid structures
VU: theory on hybrid interfaces
Caltech, USA: light management in PV, plasmoelectric effect
EPFL, Switzerland: (Al)GaAs nanowire solar cells and photo-electrodes
Fudan University, China: AgFeS2 nanowire/BiVO3 photoelectrochemical cells
Helmholtz Center, Berlin, Germany: light trapping in ultra-thin CIGS cells; charge injection from singlet fission into silicon
ICN2 Barcelona, Spain: Transmission electron microscopy of 2D materials
MPI, Germany: inverse opal photonic crystal halide perovskite films
Northwestern University, USA: novel singlet fission materials
Oxford University, UK: perovskite materials and devices
Stanford University, USA: light management in PV
UC San Diego, USA: x-ray fluorescence mapping of halide perovskite single crystals
University College London, UK: GaAsP and GaAs single nanowire solar cells
University of Bath, UK: theory on perovskites
University of Cambridge, UK: singlet fission, quantum dot solar cells
UT-Austin, USA: fundamental efficiency limits of nanowire solar cells
Industrial collaborators
ASI: low-background electron detector for diffraction measurements of hybrid perovskites
ASML: development of a roadmap for nanolithography for photovoltaics
Bruker: application development for nano-electrochemical deposition
Delmic: development of cathodoluminescence microscopy for photovoltaic materials
ECN: joint research on high-efficiency solar cells, development of common research agenda
FEI: development of 3D nanostructure imaging in the SEM by multienergy deconvolution, time-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging
Global Climate and Energy Program (GCEP), funded by ExxonMobil, GE, Schlumberger, and Toyota: ultrathin Si solar cells
Philips Group Innovation IP&S: establishment of soft imprint lithography spin-out company
Philips Research: joint research within Industrial Partnership Program Nanophotonics for solid state lighting
TKI Solar Energy: AMOLF is member of the Silicon Competence Center (SiCC), a consortium within the TKI Solar Energy, together with Tempress, Levitech, Meyer Burger, Eurotron, and ECN; the goal is to develop new technologies for the Dutch solar cell and solar panel industry