F.J. de Heer, W. Huizinga and J. Kistemaker, Charge exchange and ionization cross-section determination for positive ions and atoms in the energy region 2.5 to 25 KeV, Appl. Sci. Res. B 5, 337-339 (1955)
A.E. de Vries, H. Jansz, J. Kistemaker, H.C. Hamers, J. Blok and C.C. Jonker, Detection of thermal neutrons by borazole filled proportional counters, Physica 20, 1138-1140 (1954)
J. Kistemaker, C.J. Zilverschoon and J. Schutten, De electromagnetische scheiding van stabiele isotopen II: de Amsterdamse isotopen separator, Elektro-Techniek 32, (9) (1954)
J. Kistemaker, C.J. Zilverschoon and J. Schutten, De electromagnetische scheiding van isotopen. De Amsterdamse isotopen separator, NTvN 20, 5-11 (1954)
J. Schutten, C.J. Zilverschoon and J. Kistemaker, The anti-contamination circuit of the Amsterdam isotope separator. I, Appl. Sci. Res. B 4, 217-224 (1954)