• J.-B. Sanders, H.E. Roosendaal and F. Vitalis, A modified treatment of low energy elastic stopping power in dense structureless media, Radiat. Eff. 38, 201-210 (1978)

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  • M.J. van der Wiel and T.N. Chang, Intershell correlation in double-electron ejection from the outermost shell of Xe-, J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 11, 125-129 (1978)

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  • M.J. Offerhaus, Modified rough sphere models, with application to sound absorption in gas mixtures, Physica A 93, 385-411 (1978)

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  • W.-K. Liu and F.R. McCourt, DWBA calculations of relaxation and kinetic cross sections. II Application to ortho-H2-He and ortho-H2-Ar, Chem. Phys. 27, 281-299 (1978)

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  • P.J.K. Langendam and M.J. van der Wiel, Fine structure of the neon 18.5-18.7 eV resonances resolved by means of resonant free-free radiative absorptions, J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 11, 3603-3613 (1978)

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  • J.A. Markvoort, H.J. Hopman and H. de Kluiver, The increase of energy confinement by the use of heavy-gas end plugs, Plasma Phys. 20, 279-285 (1978)

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  • P. Massmann, P.H. de Haan, A.P.H. Goede and H.J. Hopman, Microinstabilities in an inhomogeneous ion-beam plasma system, Plasma Phys. 20, 633-652 (1978)

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  • A. Tip, The analytic structure of the elestic forward electron-atom scattering amplitude, J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 10, 11-16 (1977)

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  • M.J. van der Wiel and E.H.A. Granneman, Polarization effects in two-photon ionization, Comments At. Mol. Phys. 7, (1977)

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  • F.J. de Heer, M.R.C. McDowell and R.W. Wagenaar, Numerical study of the dispersion relation for e- -H scattering, J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 10, 1945-1953 (1977)

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