Transparent Quasi-Interdigitated Electrodes for Semi-transparent Perovskite Back-Contact Solar Cells

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Reference G. DeLuca, A.N. Jumabekov, Y. Hu, A.N. Simonov, J. Lu, B. Tan, G.W.P. Adhyaksa, E.C. Garnett, E. Reichmanis, A.S.R. Chesman and U. Bach, Transparent Quasi-Interdigitated Electrodes for Semi-transparent Perovskite Back-Contact Solar Cells, ACS Appl.Energy Mater. 1, (9), 4473-4478 (2018)
Group Nanoscale Solar Cells

Transparent quasi-interdigitated electrodes (t-QIDEs) were produced by replacing the opaque components of existing QIDEs with indium tin oxide (ITO). We demonstrate their application in the first semi-transparent back-contact perovskite solar cell. A device with a VOC of 0.88 V and a JSC of 5.6 mA cm−2 produced a modest 1.7% efficiency. The use of ITO allows for illumination of the device from front- and rear-sides, resembling a bifacial solar cell, both of which yield comparable efficiencies. Coupled optoelectronic simulations reveal this architecture may achieve power conversion efficiencies of up to 11.5%, and 13.3% when illuminated from front- and rear-side, respectively, using a realistic quality of perovskite material.