The geometrical model for microfibril deposition: influence of the cell wall matrix

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Reference A.M.C. Emons, J.H.N. Schel and B.M. Mulder, The geometrical model for microfibril deposition: influence of the cell wall matrix, Plant Biol. 4, 22-26 (2002)
Group Theory of Biomolecular Matter

A theory for cell wall deposition has been formulated consistent with present day experimental data on cell walls and cellular processes. This theory has a generic origin, geometrical constraints, as the underlying cause for the cell wall architecture. The theory has been worked out as a fully mathematical model, allowing for specific predictions of a qualitative and quantitative nature. The key point of the geometrical theory is the coupling of the trajectory of the cellulose microfibril synthases, i.e., rosettes, to their density. This coupling provides the cell with a mechanism for manipulating the cell wall texture by creating controlled local variations in the number of active synthases. In the present paper we show that the geometrical model can explain the helicoidal, crossed polylamellate, helical and axial wall textures, which are the basic textures found in plant cell walls. In addition, we discuss the role of cortical microtubules in the wall deposition process and how the cell wall matrix contributes to cell wall texture determination.