The effect of In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots on the optical loss of photonic crystal cavities

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Reference M. Lodde, P.J. van Veldhoven, E. Verhagen and A. Fiore, The effect of In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots on the optical loss of photonic crystal cavities, J. Appl. Phys. 135, (6), 063103: 1-9 (2024)
Group Photonic Forces

We present a systematic investigation of the optical losses in GaAs photonic crystal cavities with and without embedded self-assembled In(Ga)As quantum dots (QDs) to shed light on additional loss mechanisms related to the presence of the QDs. To clarify the role of the measurement method, we propose an experimental configuration where the optical properties can be evaluated simultaneously through reflection and photoluminescence measurements. Independently of the measurement method, we observe a reduced quality (Q) factor in cavities with embedded QDs when compared to the passive counterparts. Our analysis indicates that these additional losses—about 7 GHz—are unrelated to direct excitonic absorption for the investigated areal QD densities of 175 μ m − 2 . We analyze several mechanisms which could explain our observations and suggest that a possible origin could be unsaturable absorption from midgap defects introduced by the QD growth.