Perovskite-based photoluminescent detection of lead particles in gunshot residue
Gunshot residue (GSR) analysis is crucial for forensic investigations of shooting incidents, but current methods are time-consuming, laborious, and provide limited spatial resolution. We introduce photoluminescent lead analysis (PL-Pb) for instant high-resolution GSR detection. Lead particles in GSR react into lead halide perovskite semiconductors that emit bright green light under ultraviolet irradiation. PL-Pb enables trace detection of GSR, including ricochet markings, bullet wipes, and combustion plumes. Our method visualizes fine details like rifling patterns and facilitates and extends shooting distance reconstructions. We find that PL-Pb is also suitable for rapid presumptive testing of shooting suspect’s hands, clothes, shoes, and other relevant objects. The instant results, sensitivity, and spatial resolution of perovskite-based detection of lead-containing micro-traces offer unprecedented opportunities for forensic investigations and environmental studies on lead particles.