• A. Tip, J.H. Los and A.E. de Vries, Rotational relaxation numbers from thermal transpiration measurements, Physica 35, 489-498 (1967)

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  • A. Tip, On the magnetic field dependence of the transport properties of the hydrogen isotopic molecules H2, D2, and HD, Phys. Lett. A 25, 409-410 (1967)

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  • H.H. Brongersma and L.J. Oosterhoff, High resolution singlet-triplet excitation spectra by low energy electron impact spectroscopy, Chem. Phys. Lett. 1, 169-172 (1967)

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  • G.E. Moore, S. Datz and F. van der Valk, Total scattering cross sections of hydrogen and deuterium by helium, J. Chem. Phys. 46, 2012-2013 (1967)

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  • J. van de Ree, Diffusion and thermal diffusion in gaseous mixtures with internal degrees of freedom, Physica 37, 584-602 (1967)

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  • P. Sigmund and J.-B. Sanders: Spatial distribution of energy deposited by ion bombardment In: Colloque International sur les Applications des Faisceaux Ioniques a la Technologie des Semiconducteurs = International Conference on Applications of Ions [sic] Beams to Semiconductor Technology, Grenoble, 24-26 Mai, 1967 /ed. P. Glotin, Editions Ophrys, 1967. - pp. 1-23

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  • J. Kistemaker, F.J. de Heer, J.-B. Sanders and C. Snoek: Energy deposition in matter by slow heavy particles In: Radiation Research : Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Radiation Research held at Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, June-July, 1966 /ed. G. Silini, North Holland, 1967. - pp. 68-95

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  • J. van de Ree, J.H. Los and A.E. de Vries, The potential model for helium-hydrogen interaction in thermal diffusion, Physica 34, 66-80 (1967)

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  • D. Jaecks, F.J. de Heer and A. Salop, Excitation of Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe by He+ impact (0.3-35 keV; 3000Å-6000Å), Physica 36, 606-619 (1967)

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  • A. Tip, The influence of angular momentum anisotropy on the heat conductivity of dilute diatomic gases, Physica 37, 82-96 (1967)

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