• W. Tebra, Isolator stage for the CAMAC branch highway system, CAMAC Bull. 8, (1973)

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  • F. Cannemeijer and A.E. de Vries, Relaxation of the asymmetric stretching vibration of CO2 in pure CO2 and in mixtures of CO2 with noble gases, Physica 70, 135-154 (1973)

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  • J.F. Chemin, I.V. Mitchell and F.W. Saris: Lattice location of low-z impurities in medium-z targets using ion-induced x-rays In: Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials : [Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials, Yorktown Heights, N.Y, 1972] /ed. B.L. Crowder, Plenum, 1973. - pp. 295-303

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  • J.H. Los: Chemi-ionisation by dynamic coupling In: The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions : Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, VIII ICPEAC, Beograd, 1973 /ed. B.C. Cobic and M.V. Kurepa, Institute of Physics, 1973. - pp. 621-650

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  • F.W. Saris: Solid effects on inner shell ionization In: Atomic Collisions in Solids : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 24-28, 1973, Plenum, 1973. - pp. 343-363

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  • C.P. Bhalla: De-excitation of sulphur L-shell vacancies produced in ion-atom collisions in solids In: Atomic Collisions in Solids : Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 24-28, 1973, Plenum, 1973. - pp. 407-419

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  • J.J.P. Elich, Sputtering and surface topography of monocrystalline copper in the temperature range 50-600 K, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1972-10-04

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  • D.J. Bierman, Inelastic energy losses during multi KeV ion-atom collisions, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1972-10-04

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  • H. van Dop, Some aspects of ion-atom and ion-molecule collisions, Leiden University, 1972-06-22

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  • F.W.E. Knoop, Excited states of atoms and molecules, Leiden University, 1972-06-07

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