• R. Kolkowski and A.F. Koenderink: Shaping Light Emission by Plasmon Antenna Array Lattice Resonances with Engineered Gain and Loss In: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), New York: IEEE, 2019. - pp. 1-4

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  • G. Giubertoni, O.O. Sofronov and H.J. Bakker, Observation of Distinct Carboxylic Acid Conformers in Aqueous Solution, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, (12), 3217-3222 (2019)

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  • A.F. Koenderink, Plasmon Nanocavity Array Lasers: Cooperating over Losses and Competing for Gain, ACS Nano 13, (7), 7377-7382 (2019)

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  • M.D. Whiteside, G.D.A. Werner, V.E.A. Caldas, A. van't Padje, S.E. Dupin, B. Elbers, M. Bakker, M. Klein, G.A.K. Wyatt, M.A. Hink, M. Postma, B. Vaitla, R. Noë, T.S. Shimizu, S.A. West and E.T. Kiers, Mycorrhizal Fungi Respond to Resource Inequalityby Moving Phosphorus from Rich to PoorPatches across Networks, Current Biol. 29, (12), 1-8 (2019)

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  • K. Guo, S. Kasture and A.F. Koenderink, Plasmon antenna array "patchwork" lasers - towards low etendue, speckle free light sources, OSA Continuum 2, (6), 1982-1997 (2019)

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  • N. Tavakoli and E. Alarcón-Lladó, Combining 1D and 2D waveguiding in an ultrathin GaAs NW/Si tandem solar cell, Opt. Express 27, (12), A909-A923 (2019)

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  • T.Y. Huang, R.R. Grote, S.A. Mann, D.A. Hopper, A.L. Exarhos, G.G. Lopez, G.R. Kaighn, E.C. Garnett and L.C. Bassett, A Monolithic Immersion Metalens for Imaging Solid-State Quantum Emitters, Nature Commun. 10, 2392: 1-8 (2019)

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  • M.A. Verschuuren, M.W. Knight, M. Megens and A. Polman, Nanoscale spatial limitations of large-area substrate conformal imprint lithography, Nanotechnology 30, (34), 345301: 1-10 (2019)

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  • D.O. Visscher, A. Gleadall, J.K. Buskermolen, F. Burla, J. Segal, G.H. Koenderink, M.N. Helder and P.P.M. van Zuijlen, Design and fabrication of a hybrid alginate hydrogel/poly(ε‐caprolactone) mold for auricular cartilage reconstruction, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part B 107B, (5), 1711-1721 (2019)

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  • L. Hartl, G. Huelsz-Prince, J.S. van Zon and S.J. Tans, Apical constriction is necessary for crypt formation in small intestinal organoids, Dev. Biol. 450, (2), 76-81 (2019)

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