• R. Hoogerbrugge and P.G. Kistemaker, Kinetic and internal energy distributions of sputtered molecules and clusters, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 18, 600-604 (1987)

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  • A.W. Kleyn, Rainbow scattering, Comments At. Mol. Phys. 19, 133-155 (1987)

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  • J.-B. Sanders, J.F.M. Westendorp, A.J. Vredenberg and F.W. Saris, Calculation of the shift of a thin marker layer in copper under ion bombardment, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 19, 659-661 (1987)

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  • C.E.D. Ouwerkerk, A high-resolution tandem mass spectrometer for the collision-induced dissociation of large molecular ions, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1986-07-01

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  • M.P. Bruijn, Deposition and characterization of multilayer x-ray reflection coatings, VU University Amsterdam, 1986-06-25

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  • J.W.M. Frenken, Structure, dynamics and melting of metal surfaces = Struktuur, dynamika en smeltgedrag van metaaloppervlakken, Utrecht University, 1986-06-24

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  • A.D. Tenner, Rainbow scattering of low energy alkali ions from a metal surface, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1986-05-21

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  • W.J.L. Genuit, Photoionisation in analytical mass spectrometry, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1986-03-19

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  • J.F.M. Westendorp, Ion and laser beam induced metastable alloy formation = vorming van metastabiele legeringen met ionen en laser bundels, Utrecht University, 1986-02-05

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  • G.N.A. van Veen, J. Dieleman, T.S. Baller and A.E. de Vries: Cl adsorbate induced superheating of Cu and Si surfaces by nanosecond UV laser pulses In: Laser Processing and Diagnostics (II) : 1986 : XI : June 17th-20th, 1986, Strasbourg (France) /ed. D. Bauerle, K.L. Kompa and L. Laude, Les Editions de Physique, 1986. - pp. 177-181

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