• Y. Hu, G.W.P. Adhyaksa, G. DeLuca, A.N. Simonov, N.W. Duffy, E. Reichmanis, U. Bach, P. Docampo, T. Bein, E.C. Garnett, A.S.R. Chesman and A.N. Jumabekov, Perovskite solar cells with a hybrid electrode structure, AIP Adv. 9, (12), 125037: 1-6 (2019)

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  • M.J. Avellaneda, Chaperone-mediated protein rescue A single-molecule study, Delft University of Technology, 2019-11-28

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  • E.E. Deinum, Y.B. Alfonso and B.M. Mulder, From plasmodesma geometry to effective symplastic permeability through biophysical modelling, eLife 8:, 49000: 1-40 (2019)

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, How to print multi-material devices in one go, Nature 575, 289-290 (2019)

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  • A. Bhattacherje, M. Sneha, L. Lewis-Borrell, O. Tau, I.P. Clarck and A.J. Orr-Ewing, Picosecond to millisecond tracking of a photocatalytic decarboxylation reaction provides direct mechanistic insights, Nature Commun. 10, (1), 5152: 1-7 (2019)

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  • B. Stiller, P. Dainese and E. Verhagen, Optoacoustics—Advances in high-frequency optomechanics and Brillouin scattering, APL Photonics 4, (11), 110401: 1-4 (2019)

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  • A. Szuba, Deconstruction of Septin Assembly, VU University Amsterdam, 2019-11-11

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  • D. van de Willige, J.J.A. Hummel, C. Alkemade, O.I. Kahn, F.K.C. Au, R.Z. Qi, A.M. Dogterom, G.H. Koenderink, C.C. Hoogenraad and A. Akhmanova, Cytolinker Gas2L1 regulates axon morphology through microtubule-modulated actin stabilization, EMBO Rep. 20, (11), e47732: 1-20 (2019)

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  • C.E.A. Cordaro, H. Kwong, D.L. Sounas, A.F. Koenderink, A. Alù and A. Polman, High-index dielectric metasurfaces performing mathematical operations, Nano Lett. 19, (12), 8418-8423 (2019)

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  • J. Alvarado, L. Cipelletti and G.H. Koenderink, Uncovering the dynamic precursors to motor-driven contraction of active gels, Soft Matter 15, (42), 8552-8565 (2019)

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