• H.G. Jenniskens, Surface photochemistry of physisorbed molecules, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1997-11-19

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  • W.R. Koppers, Electronic and collisional energy transfer in ion-surface scattering, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1997-11-14

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  • L.C. Snoek, A study of intramolecular dynamics using time-resolved spectroscopy and electron-ion coincidence techniques = Onderzoek aan intramoleculare dynamica met behulp van tijdsopgeloste spectroscopie en electron-ion co, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1997-11-13

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  • V.A. Klap, Biogeochemical aspects of salt marsh exchange processes in the SW Netherlands, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1997-11-03

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  • M.H.J. Hagen, Diffusion of confined colloidal particles, Utrecht University, 1997-10-20

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  • R. Blaak, Cubatic phase in complex liquids, Utrecht University, 1997-09-15

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  • E.A.L. Mol, Fluctuations in freely suspended smectic-A films = Fluctuaties in vrijstaande smectisch-A films, Utrecht University, 1997-06-03

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  • M. Odlyha, J.J. Boon, O.F. van den Brink and M. Bacci, ERA: Environmental research for art conservation, Eur. Cult. Heritage 10, 67-77 (1997)

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  • O.F. van den Brink, J.J. Boon and E.R.E. van der Hage, Dosimetry of paintings: Molecular changes in paintings as a tool to determine the impact of environment on works of art, Eur. Cult. Heritage 10, 142-144 (1997)

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  • D.V. van Coevorden, Light propagation in ordered and disordered media, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1997-05-14

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