• G.H. Koenderink, G.A. Vliegenthart, S.G.J.M. Kluijtmans, A. van Blaaderen, A.P. Philipse and H.N.W. Lekkerkerker, Depletion-induced crystallization in colloidal rod-sphere mixtures, Langmuir 15, 4693-4696 (1999)

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  • P.C. Schuddeboom, Orientation of liquid crystal molecules at surfaces, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1998-11-25

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  • P.R. ten Wolde, Numerical Study of Pathways for Homogeneous Nucleation, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1998-10-23

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  • B. Buijsse, Dissociation of atmospheric diatomic molecules: oxygen and nitrogen, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1998-07-02

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  • M.S. Hoogeman, Surfaces in motion: A variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy study, Leiden University, 1998-06-24

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  • M.L. Brongersma, Optical properties of ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals in SiO2, Utrecht University, 1998-06-15

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  • E. van Duijn, Negative hydrogen ions in intense laser fields, VU University Amsterdam, 1998-04-09

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  • D.J. Maas, Climbing quantum ladder systems by ultrashort infrared laser pulses, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1998-03-27

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  • A.W. Kleyn, Nieuwe voorzitter Aart Kleyn: Enquete naar imago NNV is een stimulans, NTvN 64, 158-159 (1998)

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