• M. Saltini and B.M. Mulder, A plausible mechanism for longitudinal lock-in of the plant cortical microtubule array after light-induced reorientation, Quantitative Plant Biology 2, e9: 1-9 (2021)

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  • H. Wierenga, Statistical Mechanics of Cytoskeletal Filaments, VU University Amsterdam, 2021-05-17

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  • C.E.A. Cordaro, B. Edwards, V. Nikkhah, A. Alù, N. Engheta and A. Polman: Solving integral equations with inverse-designed metagratings at optical wavelengths In: CLEO: QELS 2021 - Part of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest, 2021.

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  • R. Röhrich, A.F. Koenderink, S. Witte and L. Lötgering, Spatial coherence control and analysis via micromirror-based mixed-state ptychography, New J. Phys. 23, 053016: 1-15 (2021)

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  • S.L. Koneru, F.X. Quah, R. Ghose, M. Hintze, N. Gritti, J.S. van Zon and M. Barkoulas, A role for the fusogen eff-1 in epidermal stem cell number robustness in Caenorhabditis elegans, Sci. Rep. 11, (1), 9787: 1-13 (2021)

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  • Y. Sun, G. Giubertoni, H.J. Bakker, J. Liu, M. Wagner, D.Y.W. Ng, A.L. DeVries and K. Meister, Disaccharide Residues are Required for Native Antifreeze Glycoprotein Activity, Biomacromolecules 22, (6), 2595-2603 (2021)

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