• C. Strohhöfer and A. Polman, Enhancement of Er3+ 4I13/2 population in Y2O3 by energy transfer to Ce3+, Opt. Mater. 17, 445-451 (2001)

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  • C.-M. Koppelman, T. den Blaauwen, M.C. Duursma, R.M.A. Heeren and N. Nanninga, Escherichia coli minicell membranes are enriched in cardiolipin, J. Bacteriol. 183, 6144-6147 (2001)

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  • M.J.J. Jak, C. Konstapel, A. van Kreuningen, J. Verhoeven, R. van Gastel and J.W.M. Frenken, Automated detection of particles, clusters and islands in scanning probe microscopy images, Surf. Sci. 494, 43-52 (2001)

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  • A. Polman, Erbium-doped silicon opto-electronics: Research summary, reprints of publications that appeared in the period February 1993-April 2000 (2000)

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  • M.J.J. Jak, An Atomic Scale View on a Model Catalyst: Pd Nanoparticles on TiO2, Leiden University, 2000-11-02

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  • B. Berenbak, Adsorbate induced partial passivation of gas-surface interactions, VU University Amsterdam, 2000-06-27

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  • A. Fera, I.P. Dolbnya, G. Grübel, H.G. Muller, B.I. Ostrovskii, A.N. Shalaginov and W.H. de Jeu, Complex dynamic behavior of fluctuating smectic-A films as studied by scattering with coherent x-rays, Phys.Rev.Lett. 85, 2316-2319 (2000)

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