Synchrotron radiation studies of transition metal selenide thin-films formation on Ti, Mo and Cu substrates: in and out diffusion of Li

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Reference V. Saltas, C.A. Papageorgopoulos, D.C. Papageorgopoulos, D. Tonti, C. Pettenkofer and W. Jaegermann, Synchrotron radiation studies of transition metal selenide thin-films formation on Ti, Mo and Cu substrates: in and out diffusion of Li, Thin Solid Films 389, 307-314 (2001)

In this paper we study the formation of transition metal selenide thin-films. The investigation took place in ultra high vacuum (UHV) by means of photoemission spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation. The films were produced by simultaneous co-adsorption of TiCl4 and elemental Se on polycrystalline Ti, Mo and Cu substrates, at 250°C. The above co-adsorption on Ti produces thin-films of TiSe2 layer compounds, whereas, on the Mo and Cu substrates, Se interacts directly with the substrate producing a MoSe2 layer compound and Cu2-xSe thin-films, respectively. Deposited Li is intercalated into both TiSe2 and MoSe2 layer compound thin-films while it interacts with the non-layered Cu2-xSe producing an alkalimetal copper selenide compound (LixCuySez). When the above LixCuySez and Li-intercalated TiSe2, MoSe2 thin films are exposed to TiCl4 at 140°C, TiCl4 dissociates, leading to a strong Li+-Cl interaction and the formation of a LiCl overlayer.