• F. Stehr, J. Stein, J. Bauer, C. Niederauer, R. Jungmann, K.A. Ganzinger and P. Schwille, Tracking single particles for hours via continuous DNA-mediated fluorophore exchange, Nature Commun. 12, (1), 4432: 1-8 (2021)

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  • B. Daiber, van den Hoven, M.H. Futscher and B. Ehrler, Realistic Efficiency Limits for Singlet-Fission Silicon Solar Cells, ACS Energy Lett. 6, (8), 2800-2808 (2021)

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  • E.P. van Dam, Hongbo Yuan, P.H.J. Kouwer and H.J. Bakker, Structure and Dynamics of a Temperature-Sensitive Hydrogel, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, (29), 8219-8224 (2021)

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  • H.C. Hendrikse, H.-C. Stivel, L. Helmbrecht, E.P. van Dam, E.C. Garnett and W.L. Noorduin, Shaping Tin Nanocomposites through Transient Local Conversion Reactions, Cryst.Growth Des. 21, (8), 4500-4505 (2021)

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  • A. Ahmadi, K. Till, P.H. Backe, P. Blicher, R. Diekmann, M. Schüttpelz, K. Glette, J. Tørresen, M. Bjørås, A.D. Rowe and B. Dalhus, Non-flipping DNA glycosylase AlkD scans DNA without formation of a stable interrogation complex, Commun. Biol 4, (1), 875: 1-8 (2021)

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  • H.C. Hendrikse, A. Aguirre, A. van der Weijden, A.S. Meeussen, F. Neira D’Angelo and W.L. Noorduin, Rational Design of Bioinspired Nanocomposites with Tunable Catalytic Activity, Cryst.Growth Des. 21, (8), 4299-4304 (2021)

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  • J.M. Fruhman, H.P.A.G. Astier, B. Ehrler, M.L. Böhm, L.F L. Eyre, P.R. Kidambi, U. Sassi, D. De Fazio, J.P. Griffiths, A.J. Robson, B.J. Robinson, S. Hofmann, A.C. Ferrari and C.J.B. Ford, High-yield parallel fabrication of quantum-dot monolayer single-electron devices displaying Coulomb staircase, contacted by graphene, Nature Commun. 12, (1), 4307: 1-10 (2021)

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  • M. Planeta, J. Bierbaum, L. S. D. Antony and T. Hoefler: MigrOS: Transparent Live-Migration Support for Containerised RDMA Applications In: USENIX Annual Technical Conference, ATC 2021, USENIX Association, 2021. - pp. 47-63

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  • C. Niederauer, M. Wang-Henderson, J. Stein, F. Stehr, J. Bauer, R. Jungmann, P. Schwille and K.A. Ganzinger, Single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions via continuous DNA-mediated fluorophore exchange, Eur. Biophys. J. with Biophysics Letters 50, (SI), 54-54 (2021)

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  • M. Solà-Garcia, Electron-matter interaction probed with time-resolved cathodoluminescence, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2021-07-09

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